STAAD.Pro Help

T.3 Specifying the analysis type

A linear, static analysis is required for this model. You can also instruct STAAD.Pro to provide a static equilibrium report.

The STAAD input file commands generated are:

  1. On the Analysis and Design ribbon tab, select the Analysis Commands tool in the Analysis Data group.

    The Analysis/Print Commands dialog opens.

    ヒント: If the Analysis/Print Commands dialog does not open automatically, then click Define Commands in the Analysis - Whole Structure dialog.
  2. In the Analysis/Print Commands dialog, select the Perform Analysis tab.
  3. Select the Statics Check print option.
    注記: In response to this option, a report consisting of the summary of applied loading and summary of support reactions, for each load case, will be produced in the STAAD output file.
  4. Click Add
  5. Click Close.

    The Analysis command is added to the Analysis - Whole Structure dialog.

ヒント: Remember to save your work by either click Save on the File ribbon tab , the Save tool, or pressing <CTRL+S>.